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Mindsutra Software Technologies
Your preferred source of astrology software, astrological services and birth horoscope. Our product niche includes state-of-the-art solutions and services related to Vedic Astrology, Numerology, Lal Kitab, and the like. All the products are well built in terms of structure and user interface, making them ideal for the practical use for analyzing horoscope by prfessional and practicing astrologers as well as hobbyists. Browse through our wide catalog of services available for our customers such as janmapatrika, personalized astrological horoscope, mobile applications, and more. At Mindsutra, our mission is to make the astrological path a more accessible and straightforward one for each users. A unit of Mindsutra – the amalgamation of tradition and technology to explore the impact of astrology.

Get to know more about our Horoscope/Janma Patrika service based on Parashari, Jaimini and Lal Kitab. All the reports that we provide to our users are professionally made with accurate and detailed information at reasonable prices in comparison to other report services available in the market today. Whether customers want to know what their future holds, if they will be compatible with someone or how the planets are affecting people, the service that we offer is of high quality, affordable. Do you have interest in your future? Now you can obtain your Horoscope/ Janma Patrika at reasonable charges and procure professionally and authentic astrological birth horoscope from our site.
- Bhrigu Janma Patrika
- Jyotish Jeevan Darpan
- Jyotish Life-Sutra
- Jyotish Sanjeevani
- Jyotish Sukh-Samridhi
- Lal-Kitab Jeevan Chakra
- Lal-Kitab Samhita
Today, Vedic Astrology, also known as Jyotish Shastra, remains a unique and integral science, applicable on the personal level while providing solutions for other people’s reasonable decisions. It provides an analysis of one’s individuality, and allows for fruitful decision making by attaining a clear understanding of Karmic truths and counsel from the cosmos.
In Lal Kitab, aspects of horoscope are considered with respect to positions and impacts that the planets may impose on one’s health, wealth, career and relationship. It mainly covers practical astrology, and the method advises how to mitigate the adverse impact and increase the effectiveness of the favorable one. Some of the prominent features are ‘Karam Kaand’ – planetary remedies and ‘Varshphal’ – annual predictions, which collectively forms Lal Kitab, the astrological guide for enhancing one’s fortune.
Numerology astrology as name suggests is a combination of two systems of numerology and astrology to provide a deeper insight about a person’s life and path he /she needs to follow. Numerology astrology reveals important numbers, numbers vibrations attached to an individual’s name and birth date, and important patterns as well as influence of different planets governing different aspects of one’s life such as personality, work and career, relationships and spiritual development.
Jaimini Astrology is considered to be as old as Vedic Astrology and it is the Jaimini system of astrology that expertly categorizes horoscope analysis different from that of the much famous Parashara system of Astrology. This system involves the use of specialized techniques/ concepts including Chara karakas (the significators that depend on the highest degrees of planets), Arudha lagna (the point that reflects material gains) and two different forms of Dasha systems namely Chara dasha and Sthira dasha. Thus, the use of these unique techniques enables Jaimini Astrology to capture a holistic picture of people’s fate.
Remedial Astrology as the name depicts is the integral part of Vedic Astrology without which main objective is to minimize the malefic effects of the planets and bolster up the friendly or benefic effects in the life of an individual. This will involve the use of various correction methods commonly referred to as remedies in the fight against astrology problems with the objective of optimizing on health. Remedial Astrology focuses on providing additional and applicable ways and means helping a person, to get over problem signs and balances for leading a better quality of life or existence by utilizing the cosmos’ forces in a beneficial manner.
The branch of Vedic astrology that deals with spouse selection is referred to as Marriage Compatibility Astrology, Synastry or Matchmaking Astrology. This software assesses different aspects of astrology in order to establish likelihood of successful relationship. Marriage Matching Software offers detailed details to make sure that the two will complement each other and also supportive. Thus, the software is quite useful in guiding about the positive aspects and areas of conflicts in the compatibility between the two partners and the remedial measures in the astrological way, which can lead to a happy married life.

Lal Kitab Vastu Astrology is an interesting and exceptional field of astrology that is derived from Lal Kitab, which is a traditional Indian astrological book, and Vastu Shastra, an ancient science of India. The fact is this system is an excellent example of how various approaches to the use and regulation of the energies within the living or working environment can be integrated in order to create an effective environment that will foster well-being and prosperity of the people who live or work there.

Bhrigu Nadi Astrology is one of the most popular and ancient science of Indian astrology, based on the Bhrigu’s vision. Out of all zones of astrology this one is special because of the results that are given and look more objective and detailed, providing a deep understanding of the past, the present, and the future of a person’s life. Providing extensive information that can be utilized for accurate forecast about an individual’s character, their relations with other people, jobs they should take, or money concepts they should embrace.

First of all, expertising in the sphere of KP Astrology, Social and Psychological KP Astrology’s main advantage consists in high predictive potential. The break-up of sub-lords, cuspal interlinks and ruling planets allows the astrologers to give very exact and accurate predictions. This precision is especially helpful when the user wants to obtain answers that will require knowledge of the date and time, for instance.

Our Free Astrology Software Service provides users with a powerful and accessible tool to explore the depths of astrological insights. Designed for both beginners and seasoned astrologers, our K.P. software offers required features, including, planetary Positions, Significators-Planets View, Naadi Coordinates and 3 Step Theory etc. KP-Logy is a Free Software.

Purchase and download Premium reports for Vedic Astrology, Lal - Kitab, Numerological and Remedial Astrology.

Click here to Download more than 20 Pages of Astrological Horoscope report, this service is Free for website visitors.

Click here to see the Video Demos of Mindsutra's Desktop Applications & Get maximum information related the software.

Panchang" basically use for knowing the five parts for the particular day. The 5 element of panchang are Vaar, Tithi, Nakshtra, Yoga and Karan.

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It is believed that selecting the right muhurta connects action with the flow of the cosmos, raising the possibility of success.

Pure Astrological life analysis Horoscope (Janma-Patrika) in multiligual language, lot of Astrological system coverd in this Section you can choose which on your trust.

Click to get Match-Making Horoscope, This Report will be for Match Making Score and Compatibility Checking, Matching plays important role at the time of marriage.

This Reports have all the required Calculation for Lal Kitab Astrologers with 1 Year Varshaphala Chart, Predictions and Remedies, Varshphala with Predictions.

Life analysing Horoscope in multiligual language, there are many system and variuos Tools are available, flexibility and Premium options available to pages designs

Astrological Particulars: Main Details, Avakahada Chakra & Ghatak Chakra Planetary Positions & Dispositions: Lagna Kundali, Moon Kundali, Navamsha Kundali \ Planets (Retrogration, Combust etc)

Astrological Particulars - Main Details, Avakahada Chakra & Ghatak Chakra, Janma Din & Janma Samay ka Graha, Planetary Positions-All the Details about planets & other informations.

Moolank Calculation, Destiny Number Calculation, Name Number Calculation based on 4 popular name number calculations (Chaldean, Pythagorean, Hebrew, Numerary system.), Sun Sign.

*Lagna Kundali, Navamsha Kundali, Vimshottari Dasha of Bride& Groom, Asta Koota Agreement, Conclusion for Marriage Suitability,Planetary Positions & Dispositions, Sensitive Points (Beeja & Kshetra Sphoota)