Monday-Saturday 11AM To 6PM
+91 9818193410, +91149043166
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KP Astrology - Krishnamurti Paddhati

  • Astrological Particulars
  • Chart Details (All in One) - Cuspal Positions, Planetary Positions, Significators - Planets View
  • Lagna, Cusp Chart and Star Positions
  • Planet and House Positions
  • Lagna Chart and Planets Position
  • Cusp Chart and Houses Position - Houses Signified by Planets, Significators - House View
  • Planets/Houses Significations
  • Planets/Houses Significations (6 FOLD)
  • Basic Vedic Aspects
  • Basic Western Aspects
  • Naadi Coordinates
  • Vimshottari Dasha And Bhuktis
  • 3 Step Theory