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Mindsutra’s KPlogy Advance:

krishnamurti paddhati is a somewhat heterogeneous - yet very systematic - blend of some of the principles of both Indian Astrology and Western Astrology, duly spiced up with the newly devised concept of "SUB".

A sub- in most cases- is nothing but an unequal one-ninth part of the span of a Nakshatra (13*20'), which is taken in proportion and order as per Vimshottari Dasha. N.B.: If a particular nakshatra-part covers the end part of a sign and the beginning part of the next sign, then it is divided into two different fragments - each belonging to either of the two signs. These unusual 2 usually unequal small parts are also considered as 2 different subs.

Like every new or developmental method, K.P.System also has it's own merits and usefulness. But, the claim of obtaining fail-proof results by using this system is 'nothing but the figment of heated brains'. Although Krishnamurti's method deserves to be studied by the curious and interested students and general learners of Astrology, many learned and conscientious Astrologer had advised the students not to overly depend on this particular method only; this is since the subject of Astrology is far more complex. No intelligent learner can ever be expected to be satisfied by acquiring the legendary 'blind man's view of the elephant.

In K.P.System, the planetary positions are considered on "Nirayana" (Sidereal) basis, as is usually done in Indian Astrology.

The recommended "Ayanamsha" in this system is KRISHNAMURTHI Ayanamsha, whose value is fairly close to Lahiri's.

(As per K.P.System, the zero year is = 297.205479452055; and the annual rate of precession is @ 00:00:50.24.)

In K.P.System, the positions of Uranus, Neptune and Pluto are noted; the position of Chiron may also be noted. In case of Indian Astrology, noting the positions of these planets are considered neither essential nor necessary - although some modern Astrologers are inclined to include these positions also.

The House-cusps are as per PLACIDUS SYSTEM of House-division; (As is popularly used in Western Astrology - but with the difference is that K.P. Ayanamsha value is to be subtracted - as it is on "Nirayana" (Sidereal) basis; whereas in Western Astrology - unless specifically mentioned otherwise - normally no such subtraction is made - as it is on "Sayana" (Tropical) basis.

N.B.: The difference is to be noted. In case of PARASHARI SYSTEM of traditional Indian Astrology, PORPHYRY SYSTEM of House-division is followed, which is also known as "SHRIPATI PADDHATI". And in case of JAIMINI SYSTEM of traditional Indian Astrology, the house-cusps fall in just the successive signs in order - with the "Krishamsha" (or the longitude bereft of completed signs) remaining always the same as that of the Ascendant. This is known as PTOLEMAIC SYSTEM of House-division.

House-Span: In K.P.System, there is NO "Bhava-Madhya" or House-Mid (as is followed in traditional Indian Astrology), which is a speciality.

In this system, the individual span of a house is from the concerned House-cusp to the House-cusp of the next house.

BHAVA-Chart: Generally termed as BHAVA (Cuspal) or Nirayana Bhava Chalit. Since in K.P.System, the Bhava-span is from cusp to cusp (and not from Bhava-Mid to Bhava-Mid), the positions of some planets are frequently found to fall in either the previous or the next Bhava (when compared to the traditionally made Bhava-charts as per Parashari Astrology).

Drawing of Bhava-Chart Diagram: Normally, K.P. Charts are drawn as per SOUTH-INDIAN style. If this is done so, then NO separate Bhava-Chart is necessary - as the House-cusps are also put in the rectangles representing signs; it is usually denoted by 'Roman' numerals alongwith the "krishamsha" values either in deg:min mode or deg:min:sec mode

For the first six signs, Planets (if any) whose krishamshas are less than that of cusp are placed above the cusp; while those whose krishamshas are more than the cusp are placed below the cusp. For the remaining six signs, the process is just the obverse.

However, if the charts are drawn in the North-Indian style, then a separate Bhava-chart must have to be given along with the Lagna-Kundali - side by side; this is since in the North Indian style, the sign positions are not "fixed"; it is not necessary in South Indian, East Indian, and Shri-Lankan styles - as the sign-positions are "fixed" in the any horoscope.

Divisional Charts are NOT given in K.P.System (although some enthusiasts opt for including "Navamsha-Kundali" also - for some queer reason best known to them).

The Dasha-System: Only a single Dasha-system is used in K.P.System, which is VIMSHOTTARI DASHA (the total duration of the Dashas of 9 planets yield a full-cycle of 120 years). The Ayanamsha to be used is as per KRISHNAMURTI only.

The Vimshottari Dasha-cycle: Ketu Dasha (7 years), Venus Dasha (20 years), Sun Dasha (6 years), Moon Dasha (10 years), Mars Dasha (7 years), Rahu Dasha (18 years), Jupiter Dasha (16 years), Saturn Dasha (19 years), Mercury Dasha (17 years); the full-cycle = 120 years. The full-cycle is a time-cycle only; it is not a measure of longevity.

The "ASPECTS": The Aspects in K.P.System is as used in Western Astrology - which is similar to Tajaka system, as followed in Varshaphala & Prashna-Kundalis.

In K.P.System, importance is given to "PARALLEL" Aspect (= Parallel of Declination), which is followed in Western Astrology only - and not in traditional Indian Astrology.

Some enthusiasts also include "NONILE" (N) aspect (about 40 degrees or it's multiples, and falling in same Navamsha) Aspect; some people include "SEMI-NONILE" (n) aspect also (about 20 degrees or it's multiples, and falling in opposite position in Navamsha) Aspect.

The "Aspects" are considered between: (i) two planets, and (ii) a planet and a house-cusp.

Some enthusiastic people also take into account: (a) "Applying" and (b) "Separating" postures - as is done in Western Astrology, and also in Varsha-Phala (Solar-return) charts of Indian Astrology.

Position of FORTUNA is invariably mentioned in K.P.System. Also termed as "PARS FORTUNA", this is used in Western Astrology. Some traditional Indian Astrologers (who do not follow K.P.) also include it.

The position of PARS FORTUNA is not that important as it is believed to be. Actually, it is a corrupt form of the "Punya Saham", which is mainly considered in Varsha-Phala (Solar-return) charts in Indian Astrology. Whereas the formula for the PARS FORTUNA remains the very same in all cases, the formula for the PUNYA SAHAM varies; it's formula can be any of the 4 (four) - depending on:

A- Whether it's a case of 'Day'-birth or 'Night'-birth., and

B- Whether the longitude of the Ascendant falls between the minuend and the subtrahend - when progressed in usual zodiacal order.

Importance is given to "Week-day Lord"; it is invariably mentioned under the heading of "RULING PLANETS".

Importance of "SUB": In K.P.System, maximum importance is attributed to "SUB" (or Nakshatra-part), and it's lord - known as Sub-lord.

The "SUB" is nothing but the part of a Nakshatra is Vimshottari proportion and order. Thus, if the Nakshatra is 2 or 11 or 20, then the Nakshatra-lord = Venus; the first proportionate (20/ 120) part of the Nakshatra will be termed as the Venus sub; the next (6/ 120) part will be the sub of Sun; the further next (10/ 120) part will be the sub of Moon, and so on.

In case of some nakshatras, whose some part fall in one sign and remaining part fall in another (adjacent) sign, some proportionate part of nakshatra covers two consecutive signs; in such cases, the same nakshatra part is fragmented into two subs (and these subs become smaller than usual).

A particular sub will thus have only one sub-lord, only one star-lord and only one sign-lord.

N.B.: There are 12 Signs; but there are only 7 Sign-lords.

Although there are 27 Nakshatras, there are only 9 Nakshatra-lords. In one sign, only three nakshatras are possible (2 full & one in part OR 1 full and 2 in parts); thus, in each sign, there can be 3 star-lords.

In any sign, since 1 nakshatra or 2 naksharas will be in part only, every nakshatra in that sign cannot have 9 subs; only 1 nakshatra or each of the 2 nakshatras, which are fully covered in a particular sign will have 9 subs.

The nakshatras, which are not fully covered in a sign, therefore may not have 9 subs - unless the span of the proportionate part of the Nakshatra is also completed with the ending of the sign it belongs to; the number of the subs of such a Nakshatra will be = 10; this is since the span of the proportionate part of the Nakshatra will be fragmented into 2 'subs'.

Summing up, it can be seen that: in the zodiac, there are only 249 SSS (Sign-Star-Sub). The subs (SSS) are of great important in K.P.System.

The subs (SSS) are also important in "PRASHNA" (or Horary Astrology) as per K.P.System.

Although Prof. Krishnamurthi, or any other person who follows K.P. had suggested that the Astrologer should pick up a number between 1 and 249 by asking the querent (or his/ her agent), we have devised a method of our own for finding the RANDOM SSS (Sign-Star-Sub) directly. As we have observed that it can be depended upon, it might merit some consideration of the more open-minded learners and practitioners of the K.P.System.

The FOUR significators as per K.P. System:

(A) If the Planet is the Lord of the house,

(B) If the Planet is situated in the house,

(C) If the Planet is situated in the Nakshatra of the house-lord,

(D) If the Planet is situated in the Nakshatra of a planet, who is situated in the house).

Out of these four, A is the strongest; then the strengths are in decreasing order from B to D. A single planet can even become the significator for a house in all four ways (where it will be considered to be the very best and the surest significator; in comparatively rare cases, a planet can become the significator in a single way only (when it will be considered as an ordinary significator). However, more commonly, the planets are found to become the significator in 2 or 3 ways (in which case, the planet is considered to be a strong or very strong significator respectively.

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List Of Content
Main krishnamurti Section
  • Astrological Particulars
  • Chart Details (All in One)- Cuspal Positions, Planetary Positions, Significators- Planets View
  • Lagna, Cusp Chart and Star Positions
  • Lagna Chart and Planets Position
  • Cusp Chart and Houses Position- Houses Signified by Planets, Significators- House View
  • Planets/Houses Significations
  • Planets/Houses Significations (6 FOLD)
  • Basic Vedic Aspects & Basic Western Aspects
  • Naadi Coordinates & 3 Step Theory
  • Vimshottari Dasha And Bhuktis
  • 3-1/2 Step Theory (Back to Pavilion Method)
  • 4 Step Theory (by Sunil Gondhalekar)
  • 4 Step Clean Sweep Theory (by Shree Chetan Sud ji)
  • Vastu Coordinate Page 1 Planets Position, Planets To House Aspect, Planets To Planets Aspect
  • Vastu Coordinate Page 2 & Vastu Coordinate Page 3
  • Basic Horary Page
  • Horary Charts (All in one)
  • Horary Planets and Houses Position
  • Horary Planets/Houses Significations
  • Horary Planets/Houses Significations (6 FOLD)
  • Vedic Aspects (Horary) & Western Aspects (Horary)
  • Naadi Coordinates (Horary)
  • Vimshottari Dasha And Bhuktis Horary
  • 3 Step Theory (Horary)
  • 3-1/2 Step Theory (Back to Pavilion Method)-Horary
  • 4 Step Theory (by Sunil Gondhalekar)-Horary
  • 4 Step Clean Sweep Theory (by Shree Chetan Sud ji)-Horary
  • Planetary Positions & Dispositions
  • Bhava Sphutas & Kundalis
  • Shodash Varga Charts & Graha Maitri Chakra
  • Planetary Avasthas & Tara Chakras
  • Ashtaka Varga Charts
  • Observations from Sarvashtakavarga
  • Ashtottari Dasha & Antaras
  • Yogini Dasha Page
  • Transit Saturn(Sadhe-Sati)
  • Planetary Positions & Dispositions - Varshphala
  • Dashas applicable in Varshphala
  • Planetary Positions(Lal Kitab) & Lal Kitab Varshaphala
  • Astrologer's Note & Aspects Planets to Planets
  • Aspects Planets to Cusps & KP House Grouping Wizard
  • Planets Movement in Vimshottari DBA
  • KP Significators Search